Saturday, November 8, 2014

first 3 months

I have been meaning to post for so long! Sadly I probably do not remember everything. Excuse the run-on paragraph, but this will take me several nap times lol.   

When we brought Kenton home we were like okay now what? What do you mean we are responsible for raising this boy?! After the initial shock set in luckily my motherly instincts kicked in. We didn't know the first thing about taking care of a baby. It has definitely been a learning process along the way. Including learning how to change a boy's diaper, lots of pee over everything. He even shot me with poop during a night time diaper change, gag!! (Brian just recently changed his first diaper at 11 weeks haha. I'm so proud) The first few weeks Kenton had his days and nights mixed up so bad. He would sleep all day and stay awake until one or two in the morning. One morning he didn't fall asleep until 4 or 5 a.m.! Talk about a tired momma. It took me a while to understand sleep when the baby sleeps. I felt like i needed to be doing other things around the house, but quickly learned they can wait. I started back to school when he was just 13 days old. I was so very sad to have to leave him this soon, but found comfort knowing he was in good hands with Gwen. Around this time he entered a fussy phase. When he was at home with me I could not put him down, not even to nap. So I spent my days holding him with one arm and trying to study and do homework with the other. I remember crying to Brian feeling like such a horrible mother, because I could not soothe my baby. And then I learned that if i bounced with him on the exercise ball he would instantly stop crying. Still to this day that is how I put him to sleep. Needless to say I will not introduce it to the next baby. Eventually I could decipher between his hungry and tired cry. This made my life a lot easier. I chose to breastfeed him, and still am. That is a whole feat in itself. But oh how I love the bonding it's allowed us to have, especially in the early days. At his 2 week appointment he was 9lbs 6oz and 21.5in long. I am blessed with an amazing mother and mother-in-law. Gina cooked for us the first couple of nights. After Brian went back to work and especially after I went back to school; they would come over and watch Kenton while I studied or even to just let me take a shower. I have come to appreciate a shower so much more. Well, when I have someone to watch him and I'm not hopping in and out in 2 minutes that is. At 6 weeks he was 11lbs 15oz and 22.5in long. He is definitely going to be tall like his parents'. About this time I had to drop out of school, because I was not passing one of my classes. I was so very sad about this!! Yet at the same time happy to be able to enjoy my baby and not have to feel guilty for playing with him instead of studying. I have been lucky enough to stay at home with him ever since and watch him grow. Brian is such a good provider for our family. During week 7 Brian went to Orlando to a FedEx competition, Super Tech. Boy that was very hard on me, hormones and all. Since Dad has been in the hospital since mid June my life stays busy taking care of things for him as well; even more so now that I have more free time. Kenton was 11 days old when he got to meet him for the first time. We try to make a weekly trip to visit gramps (Dad). We are praying and hoping he can somehow be home for Thanksgiving! Anyway! Kenton rolled over for the first time, front to back, on Oct 27th. He is definitely not one to miss anything. He loves to look around at all times, and currently loves to sit up like a big boy. Curtains and tv are 2 of his favorite things to stare at. He is very talkative and smiley, loving to smile at the sound of mommy's voice. He is definitely a momma's boy, as he always has me in his sight when I'm not holding him. Tummy time is not his favorite thing, at least for very long. Recently I introduced him to the bumbo seat, and he loves to sit in it one the bathroom counter and watch me get ready. He is not a fan of riding in his car seat, but does love the vibration of daddy's truck. Currently he sleeps with us, about a 5 hour stretch and then  2 or three hours, but I am ready to move him out. He wrinkles his nose just like his momma. He doesn't get out a full laugh very often, but lots of partial ones. And my favorite, before he cries he gets the biggest frown. It is soooo adorable, and I have yet to capture it. He has definitely turned our world upside down, but I love every minute of it.