Sunday, August 31, 2014

Birth story

I have been wanting and needing to do this forever and have just put it off.
So August 5th I chose to be induced, a day after my due date. Simply because I wanted my body to have a little time to heal before school, and to let Kenton get adjusted a little. After all he was only 13 days when I started back.

Of course not getting any sleep the night before, knowing life would never be the same. We arrived at the hospital at 5 a.m., got checked in and got all of the pre-registration done. They hooked me up to the monitor and I was already having contractions, but not feeling a thing. We waited for what seemed like forever for Dr. Causey to check me and get the show on the road. Finally at 7:45 he came and I was still at 2cm but 25% effaced with a soft cervix, and he inserted the cytotec. Then the waiting game began. Brian slept while I just anxiously watched TV. Mom came around 9 or 10 not able to stand staying at home any longer. Since I was open to getting an epidural I was placed on a clear liquid diet. No fun! So all day I got to have water, jello, and Popsicles. At noon Dr. Causey came back and stretched me to 4-5 cm but told me I had a chance of going back to 3cm. I was now 50% effaced and he broke my water (such a weird feeling). After that it got real, real fast. The contractions were no longer unnoticeable as I was feeling every one of them. It didn't take long for them to become very strong and I was sitting on the birthing ball hoping for a little relief. Mom was rubbing my back and keeping me hydrated. Then Brian took over and encouraged me. I decided I wanted an epidural and they told me it would take an hour or so to receive it. Holy cow I was not excited about that as my contractions were so strong. Around 2 or so I received the sweet relief. Although I was still feeling my contractions on part of my left side. So they turned me and eventually I wasn't feeling anything. That is some good stuff! At 3:15 I was checked again, being 8cm and 100% effaced with the baby being dropped more. Things were moving right along. And before I knew it at 4:30 I was 10 cm and ready to push. Gina arrived right before this. Having done clinicals in the OB department I already had an idea of how to push. Even though I had an epidural I could still feel the pressure of my contractions, and knew when to push. I pushed for a while with just my nurse, who was so amazing. And then Dr. Causey came. I pushed for a total of a little over 2 hours. I was so exhausted toward the end. Finally the Dr. told me I had 3 options I could push for another hour, use the vacuum, or cesarean. I chose the vacuum, knowing I couldn't push much longer. He explained I only had a couple of contractions to get the baby out or it would result in a cesarean. Knowing I was fixing to start back to school I was determined to get that baby out and avoid a cesarean at all costs. Of course fear washed over my face, as I didn't want anything to happen to my baby boy. Brian was very encouraging and reassuring. I had him pushed out in two contractions. I'm not usually the emotional type, but tears came rolling down my face when they put him on my chest. I was so relieved. He was so perfect and I have never loved anything so much. 8 pounds 12 oz and 19.5 inches long. We were officially a family and couldn't be happier.

Of course after a short time everyone left. Brian and I were like wait, now what. But we figured it out. I didn't hardly get any sleep. I was too worried I wouldn't wake up if something happened. Also being in pain. But oh my was everything worth it. I'm so in love with our little man, Kenton Blake.

                    Last pregnancy picture

Getting to go home

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