Saturday, December 19, 2015

During 15 months

Kenton is 16 months! He's such a big boy and becoming independent, but still a huge mama's boy. He's in 18 month clothes and size 4 diapers. Has 12 teeth, including 4 molars. At his 15 mo appt he was 29.4lbs and 33 1/4 in. He has started giving kisses. The other day he would not fall asleep for his nap so I went in his room and was talking to him in his crib. He grabbed his moose and put its face on mine and made a kissing smack sound. Heart melted!
Words he says: dada, momma (rarely!), nana, papa, bubba, shoes, no, bigh  (bite), cookie, cracker, nana (banana), dink (drink), bup (up), tractor, moose, mouse (mickey mouse), outside, ball, go! (Like where did they go or if you stop at a stop light). Of course he doesn't say all of them perfectly, but I can understand them.
He's started going to the babysitter now that I have graduated. Just a few days so far, but he has done really well.
He still loves to be outside and any toy that has wheels. He eats regular foods and drinks out of a straw sippy cup. He also transitioned to one nap this month. It's anywhere from 2 to 3 hours. If we aren't going anywhere he sleeps until 8:30 or 9, and goes to bed at 9:15. Mickey mouse clubhouse is still his favorite TV show.

Sunday, October 11, 2015

Kenton is 14 months!

Oh my where is my baby going? Growing so fast!
He says.... dada, momma, nana, papa, go, side (outside), day (what's that), uh oh, boo, boom, cracker, cookie, mmm (when he's eating), bubba, shoes, nigh nigh.
He waves hi and bye bye opening and closing his hand, instead of moving his whole arm.
He still loves anything with wheels and making his motor noise.
He can stack 7 blocks all by himself.
He loves his wagon and blue truck.
He absolutely loves to be outside and would be out there all the time if he were allowed.
He just learned to fist bump and says boom!
He claps and squeals for himself when he accomplishes something, such as stacking a block.
He is such a good and happy baby. Still takes 2 naps a day and sleeps through the night. He's in 18 month clothes, size 4 diaper, and size 6 shoe. He has 6 teeth fully in, 2 bottoms that are breaking through, and half of a molar on the left side. Loves to carry around his blanket and lay on a pillow.

Sunday, August 9, 2015


Kenton is one! Wahhh! Makes me so sad. He is still such a happy baby and sleeps well. He has 6 teeth, 4 on top and 2 on bottom. Weighs 27.4 lbs and 32 in. He is still in size 3 diaper and 12 mo clothes. We are in the process of weaning. He has done really well so far. I have just been adding more milk and less formula to his bottles. We are still trying to find a sippy cup that he likes and does well with. We are also giving him more real food such as: peas, Mac n cheese, hot dogs, cut up fruit, French fries, and anything soft enough for him to eat on my plate. He still says uh oh all the time and uh uh as he shakes his head no. He says outside and what's that in his own way in a whisper. At 12 mo he was taking about 4-5 steps. On Aug 8th we were practicing at Nana's house and he just took off! He was just walking circles around the living room. Such a bitter sweet time. This weekend we had 2 parties for him. One joint with Zoey for our family and one for Brian's family. I did a little blue truck theme since he loves that book. He started picking at his smash cake right away, which surprised me. Of course the second party he was more willing to tear into it. He also got his first hair cut about 3 days before he turned one. He looks so grown up :(

Bday morning 
Big boy car seat 
First happy meal on his bday