Sunday, October 11, 2015

Kenton is 14 months!

Oh my where is my baby going? Growing so fast!
He says.... dada, momma, nana, papa, go, side (outside), day (what's that), uh oh, boo, boom, cracker, cookie, mmm (when he's eating), bubba, shoes, nigh nigh.
He waves hi and bye bye opening and closing his hand, instead of moving his whole arm.
He still loves anything with wheels and making his motor noise.
He can stack 7 blocks all by himself.
He loves his wagon and blue truck.
He absolutely loves to be outside and would be out there all the time if he were allowed.
He just learned to fist bump and says boom!
He claps and squeals for himself when he accomplishes something, such as stacking a block.
He is such a good and happy baby. Still takes 2 naps a day and sleeps through the night. He's in 18 month clothes, size 4 diaper, and size 6 shoe. He has 6 teeth fully in, 2 bottoms that are breaking through, and half of a molar on the left side. Loves to carry around his blanket and lay on a pillow.

1 comment:

  1. Still loving your blog. So wish these would have existed when I had babies.
