Tuesday, March 28, 2017

35 weeks

I've been working in this post for weeks now and just haven't taken the time to finish it. 

How far along? 35 weeks 

Total weight gain? 22 pounds

Maternity clothes? Yes. Always

Stretch marks? No. I have a couple red marks where they are potentially starting. 

Sleep? Still tossing a turning all night. Starting to have restless legs at night. 

Best moment of this week? I had a dr appt this week. More on that in a minute

Things I miss? Not having heartburn. Not getting out of breath so easily 

Movement? He's a busy boy. I feel like he stretches from my bladder to my ribs. 

Cravings? Sweets. 

Showing yet? Definitely. Around 33 weeks I feel he dropped some. 

Gender? Boy! 💙 Weston Hayes

Labor signs? At my 35 week appt today I was 2cm dilated with a soft cervix. He said he's still high and hasn't engaged yet. But is not predicting me to make it to even 39 weeks. Yay! So now I'm curious to see if I dilate more within this next week. 

Belly button in or out? It's flat and starting to pop on the top

Looking forward to? Him just being here. 

So my 33 week appt. of course was one I took Kenton to by myself. We had a little scare as Weston's heartbeat was running from 90-110. He decided to hook me up to their monitor which showed I was also having contractions every 4 minutes that I was not feeling. So he decided to send me to OB for monitoring, an ultrasound, and possibly fluids. My MIL came to the rescue and took Kenton to her house. He was so restless after being in the dr office for an hour and a half. Brian later met me at the hospital where they monitored his heart rate, my contractions, and did an ultrasound. By this time his heart rate was back up to 135 range and I was no longer having contractions but maybe 6 an hour. We were released home after about an hour. He went ahead and had me come back at 34 weeks. He found the heartbeat right away and strong at 135. He thought that Weston was in an odd position and possibly had the cord in his hand squeezing it. 

32 weeks

33 weeks

34 weeks

35 weeks

Thursday, March 2, 2017

31 weeks

How far along? 31 weeks 2 days

Total weight gain? 15 pounds

Maternity clothes? Yes. Bought more scrub pants with a stretchy waistband 

Stretch marks? nope 🙌🏻

Sleep? Blah. I toss and turn too much to sleep good

Best moment of this week? I had a dr appt this week. Got a good report. And his heartbeat was 130

Things I miss? I've started having heartburn from lunch on. 

Movement? The majority of the time he's moving or pushing out

Cravings? Sweets. Oreos and peanut butter

Showing yet? Definitely 

Gender? Boy! 💙 Weston Hayes

Labor signs? NO

Belly button in or out? It's flat

Looking forward to? The crib bedding comes in this weekend. I just need to find some curtains and the nursery will be ready 😀


Nursery progress