Thursday, January 31, 2013

Six months and a devotional

So Brian and I have been married six months this past Sunday! Time flies by soo fast!! He never ceases to amaze me; whether it's his hard working work ethic, how he supports me in everything, or always knowing the right thing to say. I absolutely adore that man, and can't wait to see what the years have in store for us together.

This is Brian's life right now lol. His new project truck; a 56 GMC. He spends 2-3 hours on it every night, and weekends of course! I have made it my photography 2 project, so it gives me an excuse to spend time with him over there and take pictures. He is wanting to have it show room ready for a car show in May. I'm excited to see the results.

So I have started this new devotional on my new iPhone 5! It's called She Reads truth; this particular one is out of Philippians. Here is a little tid bit on one of the days that really spoke to me:

* Paul writes Philippians from prison. This didn't seem to slow down his ministry one bit. Nothing could keep him from ministering to others.
*Mind you, Paul does not approve their motives: not in the least bit. But he doesn't claim to be God--he can't judge another man's heart. So instead, Paul chooses to encourage the sharing of Christ to those who haven't heard it yet.     
* Even tho Paul suffered he still witnessed.    
*My eager expectation and hope is that I will not be ashamed about anything, but that now as always, with all boldness, Christ will be highly honored in my body, whether by life or by death. (Philippians 1:20 HCSB)

In Sunday School class we have been talking about being a better witness, so this really went along with that. What an encouragement for Paul to not get discouraged and put his witnessing to the side. I know for me when it says, "he doesn't claim to be God-he can't judge another man's heart" it kinda slapped me across the face. As born sinners how often do we judge others?! It feels like it just comes naturally; when in reality that isn't our place at all. So lets leave other peoples personal lives' to God and instead focus on helping encourage their spiritual lives'. The verse Phil 1:20 leaves me with the challenge of becoming bold and not being ashamed to share Christ with others!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Major fail

So I am obviously not good at keeping up with this thing! Going to try and be better. Catching up.... We made it through Brian's graveyard shifts, as he finally transferred and started in Harrison yesterday. So beyond excited to have him on a normal schedule, and not have to be by myself through the nights! At least for a while anyways.

So we went through this whole I want an inside dog but he doesn't spell while I was getting lonely. And to my surprise one day coming home from work I found this little guy.

His name is Caliber, and I am so thankful for him! I don't think I could have made it through all the lonely days while Brian was sleeping or the lonely nights when he was away.

Our first Christmas. We decided to go all out this year with our gifts to each other. I got a dream camera, chi, and a pandora bracelet. Such an awesome husband! While I got him some reloading stuff, his new hobby.

Then for my 21st birthday on the 28th he surprised me with these earrings! And I went out for lunch with Mom and Kasey. Then Brian arranged for us to stay the night at the Keeter center. It was sooo nice!!!

In the mean time we are in layoff season for the Chateau, so I have this whole week of nothing until school starts this coming monday. Caliber and I went on a walk this morning, which for him consists of walking for a while and deciding he's had enough and has to be carried for a while, and repeat.