Thursday, January 31, 2013

Six months and a devotional

So Brian and I have been married six months this past Sunday! Time flies by soo fast!! He never ceases to amaze me; whether it's his hard working work ethic, how he supports me in everything, or always knowing the right thing to say. I absolutely adore that man, and can't wait to see what the years have in store for us together.

This is Brian's life right now lol. His new project truck; a 56 GMC. He spends 2-3 hours on it every night, and weekends of course! I have made it my photography 2 project, so it gives me an excuse to spend time with him over there and take pictures. He is wanting to have it show room ready for a car show in May. I'm excited to see the results.

So I have started this new devotional on my new iPhone 5! It's called She Reads truth; this particular one is out of Philippians. Here is a little tid bit on one of the days that really spoke to me:

* Paul writes Philippians from prison. This didn't seem to slow down his ministry one bit. Nothing could keep him from ministering to others.
*Mind you, Paul does not approve their motives: not in the least bit. But he doesn't claim to be God--he can't judge another man's heart. So instead, Paul chooses to encourage the sharing of Christ to those who haven't heard it yet.     
* Even tho Paul suffered he still witnessed.    
*My eager expectation and hope is that I will not be ashamed about anything, but that now as always, with all boldness, Christ will be highly honored in my body, whether by life or by death. (Philippians 1:20 HCSB)

In Sunday School class we have been talking about being a better witness, so this really went along with that. What an encouragement for Paul to not get discouraged and put his witnessing to the side. I know for me when it says, "he doesn't claim to be God-he can't judge another man's heart" it kinda slapped me across the face. As born sinners how often do we judge others?! It feels like it just comes naturally; when in reality that isn't our place at all. So lets leave other peoples personal lives' to God and instead focus on helping encourage their spiritual lives'. The verse Phil 1:20 leaves me with the challenge of becoming bold and not being ashamed to share Christ with others!

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