Thursday, March 20, 2014

20 weeks

How far along? 20 weeks

Total weight gain? I didn't even want to look this week.

Maternity clothes? Still just tops

Stretch marks? Nope. 

Sleep? It's been rough this week with my sciatic nerve pinched.

Best moment of this week? Being half way!!!!

Things I miss? Not having a pinched nerve, ugh

Movement? Lots :)

Cravings? Sweets. Little scared of my ending weight gain if that keeps up.

Showing yet? Yes. By the end of the night I feel HUGE.

Gender? Boy :)

Labor signs? No

Belly button in or out? In. But starting to flatten out maybe?

Looking forward to? Picking out a name! Ugh so tired of referring to him as baby. Our front runner is Kenton, but Brian is affraid he will find another name he likes better.

Also Kasey found out this week she is having a girl. Yay.

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