Thursday, April 3, 2014

22 weeks

How far along? 22 weeks (didn't do one for 21 oops)

Total weight gain? Think I just want to omit this question lol

Maternity clothes? Definitely shirts

Stretch marks? No. If only I could say that at 40 weeks.

Sleep? Pretty good 

Best moment of this week? Brian finally got to feel him kick at the very beginning of this week!

Things I miss? Not becoming bloated after everything I eat!

Movement? He's so active now. I love to feel his little kicks.

Cravings? Soft pretzel and sweets. Sometimes a dt coke

Showing yet? Starting to feel big! Like I just woke up one day huge. 

Gender? All boy. Kenton Blake :)

Labor signs? No

Belly button in or out? Stretching 

Looking forward to? The crib I ordered comes in at the end of this week! I finally got the nursery all cleaned out, so I'm excited to start decorating. 

This is the best pic Brian took, no idea what I'm looking at. He's not the most patient with me at this.

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