Sunday, January 11, 2015

Kenton is 5 months!

My goodness I can't believe my baby is already 5 months old! So much has happened since my last post. The time is going by so fast with him. At his last appointment when he was 15 weeks he was 13 pounds 1 ounce and 25.4 inches long. He has another appointment with more shots :( at the end of this month. He has reverted back to his bad sleeping habits. His wakings are unpredictable. Sadly with me returning to school in 2 days I have decided to wean him and start formula. We have been having a difficult time nursing and formula satisfies him longer. So I am hoping this will help him sleep better. I am so very sad about returning to school and having to leave him. I have enjoyed these past few months with him so much. But I am so ready to be done with school and have a real job. We started cereal at 16 weeks. It took him a few days to figure out how to eat from a spoon, but he now gets it nightly. You can tell that he is hungry for it after a feeding and he gets so excited when he sees the bowl (his little hands and feet just shake). His hand eye coordination has improved greatly and he is always reaching for... well everything. And it all goes straight in his mouth as he has started teething. Poor little guy started getting so fussy and I could just tell his mouth was hurting. As of last week he now wears an amber teething necklace full time. I think it seems to be helping and he doesn't notice it at all. His favorite thing to do is roll and squirm out of places. He has to be surrounded by pillows while he is napping. He lights up my life with all of his smiling. He is such a momma's boy still. My dad also got to come home Dec 31st. So excited to have him home!!! Although I do wish I had more time with him at home while on my break. Kenton had his first Thanksgiving and Christmas since my last post. I loved being able to enjoy time with family over the holidays this year, instead of having to work at the Chateau. Now that we have a baby I feel obligated to try my hardest to make it to all of the different family gatherings. They all want to see Kenton, and oh hey Megan and Brian. lol. Kenton was actually into opening his presents to my surprise. I would tear a small piece of the paper and he would grab hold of it while I pulled the box away. He also loved to grab the tissue paper out of the bags. Of course then he wanted the paper in his mouth, so we had to pay close attention. He got lots of books, an exersaucer, walker, johny jump up, toys, and bowls and spoons for his upcoming food adventures. As his trunk gets stronger he grows to like his exersaucer, walker, and jumper more. He is currently in 3 month clothes, he fills out his 6 month sleepers length wise, and size 1 diaper. I can't wait to watch him grow and discover over the next few months. The most fun milestones are yet to come.
Now if I can get my pictures to upload. I have so many to get caught up!
 helping mommy put up the tree
 introducing Ace our newest family member
a wreath I made
 date night!
 first time to see Santa
 trying to capture his pouting lip before he cries
 big boy tummy time
 one cute gift that Kenton got, a piggy bank
 Kenton loves to talk to daddy while he is still sleeping
 He has found his feet in the past few weeks
 a few pictures I took of him
whew! That feels good to be finally caught up!!!!

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