Wednesday, March 25, 2015

So late 7-9 months

Kenton is 8 months old. During 7 months - He's becoming much more mobile. He tries to crawl, can go from laying down to sitting up, has mastered sitting up, cruises in his walker, and pulls up on everything. He still wears 6 mo clothes, snuggly. Size 2 diaper. He loves to be outside and in his stroller. He has mastered being able to feed himself small things like puffs and cheerios. The boy loves to eat!

Went from laying on his belly to turning over and sitting up and said Dada on 3/25
A couple weeks later he said momma.

During his 8th month- He mastered crawling, and  is now able to pull up and walk along things. He is moving from 6 mo clothes to 9 mo. Size 2 diaper. At the end of this month he could hold his sippy cup and drink water out of it by himself. We moved up to the level 2 baby foods. He has tried out some fruits, and of course loves them all. (He still just gets ones container at lunch time, 5-6 4.5oz bottles, and cereal before bed time) his first tooth finally came through but is just barely through. This month my baby became more independent being able to go places on his own and play by himself a little more. 😂 the time is just flying.

During 9 mo-
At the beginning of this month he learned how to wave. We are trying out more foods such as real peas. He just gets so excited to eat. At his checkup at 9 mo 1 wk old he was 23lb 4oz(98th percentile), 30.5 in long (97th percentile for length and head circumference). By the end of this month he had 3 teeth, 2 bottom and 1 top front. At the end of this month he started making noises as he pushes around his tractor and other things with wheels. Also, my favorite part is he started sleeping through the night!

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