Tuesday, July 7, 2015

During 10 months

Kenton just turned 11 months last weekend! Makes me so sad he will be 1 before I know it. So during his 10th month. He moved up to 12 month clothes and is still in size 3 diaper. He is still sleeping through the night or puts himself back to sleep when he wakes up. He has switched to just 2 naps a day, which has meant an earlier bed time of 9:30 or so. His left top side tooth came through. So he now has 4 teeth and his other top 2 are going to be through any day. He loves to play with anything with wheels as he makes his motor noise. He now says uh oh all the time, and drops things just so he can say it. He still puts everything to his ear to act like he is talking on the phone and has started to act like he's dialing with his finger. I am blessed with such a happy baby that can entertain himself. He had his first fourth of July and was not a huge fan of the firework so we watched from inside. He loves to be outside and in his swing. He also went swimming for the first time. He was not too sure at first but warmed up quickly and was quite the splasher.

1 comment:

  1. I so enjoy reading your post. LOVE the picture of y'all sticking your tongues out! What fun 10 months has been!
