Saturday, November 5, 2016

14 weeks

How far along? 14 weeks 4 days

Total weight gain? None 🙌🏻 (I'm positive that will be the last time I say that)

Maternity clothes? No. looser fitting clothes are my friend

Stretch marks? nope

Sleep? Pretty good. Still feel like I can't get enough

Best moment of this week? I had a Dr's appt. Everything checked out good and the heartbeat was 150. It took him forever to find it because the little stinker wouldn't stay still. He finally found it right on top of my bladder and said I may carry this one low 😳

Things I miss? Not being so exhausted all the time 

Movement? Yes. I've felt movement since around 10 weeks crazy as it sounds

Cravings? Sour candy. Fried pickles

Showing yet?  Yes. I'm still in the bloating phase but it is there 

Gender? I find out in 2 and a half weeks 😬

Labor signs? NO

Belly button in or out? In

Looking forward to? Actually showing instead of just looking/feeling fat

I have yet to take a bump pic so I need to do that. Since I'm so behind on posting... I found out I was pregnant early this time at 3 weeks 3 days. We had been trying for 3 months. Not too long after that I thought I miscarried. I had to wait until the weekend was over and have my hcg levels drawn 48 hrs apart to determine if I had lost the baby or not. Those were the absolute longest days of my life!!! They were so tough since we had not shared the news with our parents yet. Anyways. About 5 weeks I started being nauseous on a daily basis. Mostly in the morning and then about 6 for supper. I am just now starting to come out of this. Not being repulsed by the thought of cooking supper was greatly missed. I had my first appt with Dr McCall during 6 weeks for a pregnancy confirmation. Since I had the scare he let me get an ultrasound and I got to see my little peanut for the first time. Such a relief! We announced to our parents when I was almost 8 weeks. I simply could not hold it in any longer. After the next appt at 10 weeks and seeing the heartbeat and that the baby measured right on time we announced to the world on Facebook. 


Kenton is 2 now!!! After he turned 2 his speech really took off. He is quite the chatter box. He still loves Mickey Mouse. His favorite stuffed animal is Clifford. We recently moved him from his crib to a twin bed. I really wanted him to be well adjusted to that by the time the baby comes. We broke his heart taking down his crib. He said "wait!" "What happened?" But was happy once he saw his replacement. I had to lay with him a few nights, then I switched to sitting on the floor. The past 4 nights I have laid him down and have been able to walk out of the room. He has a Mickey Mouse potty because he says the big potty is scary. He has peed in it twice. I decided to make the bed transition first and then get serious about potty training (it's terrifies me). Last night he sat on it while I sat on the big one. He got so excited that he went in the potty that he then proceeded to take out the insert and dump the pee behind his back. 😳 I'm sure the first of many messes in that adventure. I am trying to get him used to the idea of being a big brother. Even though he does not associate it with a baby. If I ask him where the baby is he will point to my belly and lift my shirt thinking that he should be able to see it. 

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