Saturday, December 3, 2016

18 weeks

How far along? 18 weeks 4 days

Total weight gain? The other day I had only gained a pound

Maternity clothes? No. but they are in my close future 

Stretch marks? nope

Sleep? Pretty good. Still feel like I can't get enough

Best moment of this week? Feeling more movement. I started feeling regular kicks about 17 weeks. He is very active when I lay in bed at night now. 

Things I miss? Having energy. Not having my sciatic nerve pinched

Movement? Yes

Cravings? I want whole milk with supper pretty much every night. Pickles. My sweet tooth has come back

Showing yet?  Yes. My scrub tops are starting to get tight 

Gender? Boy! 💙

Labor signs? NO

Belly button in or out? In

Looking forward to? My anatomy scan ultrasound next week

So at 17 weeks 1 day I had my gender ultrasound to find out we are having another boy. The umbilical cord was in between the legs so it took the dr a little while to confirm it was a boy. As soon as he started the ultrasound he said wow that's a big baby. 😳😬 Everything looked normal. His legs measured a week ahead. His heartbeat was around 135 to 140. 
16 weeks
17 weeks

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