Tuesday, April 4, 2017

36 weeks

How far along? 36 weeks 

Total weight gain? 23 pounds

Maternity clothes? Yes. Always

Stretch marks? I have some developing. 

Sleep? Still tossing a turning all night. I have restless legs at night. 

Best moment of this week? I had a dr appt today. The heartbeat was 134

Things I miss? Not having heartburn or restless legs 

Movement? His movements are more dramatic

Cravings? Sweets. 

Showing yet? Definitely. Around 33 weeks I feel he dropped some. 

Gender? Boy! 💙 Weston Hayes

Labor signs? At my appt today I was measuring a week ahead. He is predicting that he's going to be at least 9 pounds. He didn't check me. Going to have a growth scan done next week to predict how big he is. If he's already 7-8 pounds then we are going to schedule an induction at 39 weeks. 

Belly button in or out? It's flat and starting to pop on the top

Looking forward to? Going into labor. And getting to see him next week on the ultrasound 


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