Tuesday, March 26, 2013

This crazy thing called life

First of all I finally figured out how to change the background on this thing! Yay!! Haha. Well last week was spring break. Nothing too exciting really, but did get to take a few pics of the ice and snow! Also, got to apply a few things I've learned in my photography classes while editing them in my new photoshop cs6. Here are a few of them:

       before editing(I forgot to change my white balance whoops) ^ and then after editing is below

 Brian is on training/business trips for FedEx this week and next! Can you say I MISS MY HUSBAND!!!!! Not that I really get to see him a whole lot anyway between him working nights, working in his shop at home, and then my schooling and job. But I have to say I am kinda fond of the whole 45 mins we get to see each other. Then then weekend he gets back from his last one, is his birthday weekend. Still trying to think of something fun to do...

Today I turned in my nursing applications!!!!! So ready to get the process of accomplishing my dream job started. I applied both to the PN program and the RN program; hoping for the RN acceptance letter! I won't know until around the beginning of May!!! Talk about going to be the longest month of my life! Just hoping I have everything I need to be accepted and that my grades are good enough. Claiming Ephesians 3:20 on it: God can do exceedingly abundantly above what we ask, hope, or think!! So I turned it over to the dean of the nursing program knowing God's will, will be done :)

I ran across this in a devotional I was reading this week...Don’t be discouraged for a minute that you’re not worthy or that all your work won’t be noticed or that no one will ever see you. He has seen you before the beginning of time. He has adopted you before the wins and the fails, before the good and the bad. He has called you daughter.--All we need is God, and not the things of this world that Satan tries so hard on a daily basis to blind our eyes with. I can relate to this exact feeling! But that is not how God wants us to view ourselves. It also said...We have to look past today and the present to see how amazing our identity is just being his daughter. He cherishes each and every one of us just the way he created us; even though we are so unworthy on a daily basis. Let's just remind ourselves we are fearfully and wonderfully made!!

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