Thursday, January 2, 2014

The day we found out about our little miracle

11-22-13  1 day short of 4 wks           
The day we found out we were expecting.
I hadn't been feeling quite right the past few days, so that Friday morning I rolled out of bed before work and decided to try a pregnancy test. I just knew it would be negative anyway. So I did and went about my morning routine. Little did I know that later when I glanced over at it, sure enough it was POSITIVE! Absolutely shocked is an understatement. I couldn't hold it in for one second and ran into or bedroom shaking Brian awake. Since he works nights he had only been asleep for a little over an hour, he was completely confused as to what was going on. I said there's two lines!!!!!! He replies huh, what's that mean? And he was back asleep haha. So I did a little celebration by myself. This picture is me right after I rolled out of bed at 5:30.


The picture didn't pick up the second line very well. I went on about my day at work, which seemed like eternity. Not sure what it is that makes a girl want to take more than one test to believe it, but I did another. And sure enough the digital one said pregnant! 

So as I sit here tonight with a full heart, typing this so I will never forget this special day. I feel so very blessed, and cannot wait to see what the future holds!

Continuing the journey.....  

                                       Me at 4 weeks, to remember how skinny I once was.
The official doctor's office positive test
The shirt I made Drew (Brian's nephew) to announce the news to his family.
Me before my first ultrasound lol. They said I had to drink 32 oz before to have a full bladder, I thought I was going to burst!
The first ultrasound picture at 7 weeks and 3 days. I measured right on time, and the heartbeat was 144. It made being pregnant seem so much more real. There really is a human inside of me!
Oh by the way my sister announced to my parents a week after we did that she is expecting too! My due date is Aug. 4th and hers is Aug 3rd! And no we in no way planned this!! So crazy, but exciting to go through it together. Anyway, this is how we announced to Mom's side of the family at our Christmas party. The other side of the sign said, Guess what I'm getting for Christmas? Their reaction was priceless, lots of screaming. 
And finally how we announced to the rest of the family and Facebook. 

1 comment:

  1. I love this! You will be so happy some day that you have the little details recorded.
