Wednesday, January 29, 2014

13 weeks

So I've researched and found some weekly categories to include on my pregnancy posts. Hopefully I can keep it updated, so I can look back on my journey.

How far along? 13 weeks! 

Total weight gain? About 4 pounds have appeared the past couple weeks

Maternity clothes? No, but some of my pants are super tight when buttoned. So I've been rocking either a pontail holder or the belly band in order to hold my pants up.

Stretch marks? none yet!

Sleep? I find it hard to get comfortable. Even though I'm ready to crash by 8 p.m.

Best moment of this week? Well I had my second appointment with Dr. Causey today. The heartbeat was 150, always love hearing that.

Things I miss? Having energy, eating whatever I wanted (and everything sounded good), and not being light headed every morning.

Movement? not yet

Cravings? Mostly just things I hear or see on TV, but I am eating a lot of pickles (I've always loved them)

Showing yet? I'm not for sure. Ever since probably about 8 weeks my stomach just pooches out (even before I gained any weight). I can suck it in so I know it's not all baby lol. But I think I have the slightest bump now.

Gender? We find out in 4 weeks! Feb. 26th

Labor signs? NO!

Belly button in or out? In, of course

Looking forward to? Starting to really grow over the next couple weeks. So ready to show and not just feel/look fat lol. And of course the second trimester! Hopefully I'll feel more normal like I hear.

Here are a few pics. 13w 2d. Trying to suck in all the bloating lol.

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