Wednesday, February 12, 2014

15 weeks

So I skipped week 14, because my belly didn't grow and and it just consisted of no appetite.

How far along? 15 weeks! 

Total weight gain? About 7 pounds :(

Maternity clothes? No. Had to order waist band extenders for my work pants.

Stretch marks? nope

Sleep? Great! Still ready to go to bed early into the night.

Best moment of this week? Since I didn't post last week, Second Trimester! yay

Things I miss? I miss the meals I cook that Brian likes sounding good, and not having to force feed myself. Or cooking 2 separate meals.

Movement? I haven't noticed anything yet :( Anytime now.

Cravings? I haven't really had any this week. But I did make some chocolate and peanut butter chip cookies and they tasted extra good!

Showing yet? I actually have a little bump! My stomach still sticks out farther so the picture is me sucking it in, but it's getting harder to.

Gender? We find out 2 weeks from today. I can't wait!!

Labor signs? NO

Belly button in or out? In

Looking forward to? Feeling movement soon. (I hope)

This isn't the best picture, but I'm already running a couple days late so it will have to work. I was off work today and have a test tomorrow, so it was a no make-up and hair a mess day full of studying.
I decided to not have a gender reveal party since we find out the gender on a Wednesday and would have to wait until the weekend. Plus Brian wanted to be the first to know the gender. So instead we are inviting the grandparents to be to the ultrasound so they can see the baby! They will wait in the waiting room so Brian and I can find out by ourselves and have time to react. Then they will get to come in and see what it is as well. So during my week of being snowed in I decided I'd make them an invitation with photoshop.

1 comment:

  1. I love the invitation and am so excited for the 26th to get here!
