Wednesday, February 19, 2014

16 weeks

How far along? 16 weeks

Total weight gain? About 9 pounds. Ugh

Maternity clothes? Not yet!

Stretch marks? Nope. I'm lathering my belly up every night.

Sleep? Eh it was okay this week. Had a hard time falling asleep. 

Best moment of this week? Finally feeling the baby move today! 

Things I miss? Not being light headed every morning. 

Movement? Yes! So excited to finally say that.

Cravings? Still just things I hear other people say or I see on tv. 

Showing yet? My little bump is growing! 

Gender? We find out next week!!!!! Seriously can't wait!

Labor signs? No

Belly button in or out? In

Looking forward to? Finding out the gender and for Brian to be able to feel the baby move. 

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