Wednesday, February 26, 2014

17 weeks

How far along? 17 weeks

Total weight gain? About 10 pounds. Boo double digits

Maternity clothes? No, but going to have to invest in at least some tops soon

Stretch marks? Nope. I'm lathering my belly up every night.

Sleep? Great, but starting to wake up more often in the middle of the night to use the bathroom.

Best moment of this week? Finding out the gender today!!!! And getting to see him move around. So precious!

Things I miss? No complaints this week.

Movement? Yes! 

Cravings? Ice cream and randoms

Showing yet? Yes, but still not noticeable to strangers 

Gender? Boy!!!!! We couldn't be more excited! Everyone was guessing a girl.

Labor signs? No

Belly button in or out? In

Looking forward to? Starting to buy boy things!!

His little hand in front of his face 
Side of his face
Side profile
It's a boy alright!
And his little hand
The pic I took and edited to announce the gender to Facebook 

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