Thursday, May 15, 2014

27 & 28 weeks

How far along? 27 & 28 weeks 

Total weight gain? Trying to do better eating wise. But my appetite has grown the past week.

Maternity clothes? Yes

Stretch marks? On my sides :(

Sleep? Eh it's ok

Best moment of this week? Registering and starting the third trimester. Also being out of school for the summer!

Things I miss? Not having sciatic nerve pain

Movement? Very active 

Cravings? Sweets, bananas, carrots

Showing yet? Definitely 

Gender? Boy

Labor signs? No

Belly button in or out? The top half is flat

Looking forward to? Baby shower planning
28 weeks
Registering with the sister
Sorting Kenton's clothes into sizes. I may need a few more newborn things, I only have like 3 pieces lol

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