Monday, July 28, 2014


How far along? 38 weeks

Total weight gain? Ha! Is all I have to say

Maternity clothes? Always

Stretch marks? Yes :(

Sleep? Does not come easy!

Best moment of this week? I was 2cm dilated but still a thick cervix. He did stretch me. 

Things I miss? Feeling like a normal person. 

Movement? He's all up in my ribs.

Cravings? Ice cream sandwich 

Showing yet? So big

Gender? Boy

Labor signs? 2cm dilated. A little cramping 

Belly button in or out? Flat but trying to stick out

Looking forward to? The real deal! My doctor told me I could be induced at any time. And of course he is going out of town Thursday through Sunday. So he will be back on my due date. So nervous he will miss it. 

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