Sunday, December 18, 2016

20 weeks

How far along? 20 weeks 5 days

Total weight gain? 2-3 pounds. Even though I feel like it looks like I've gained 20

Maternity clothes? Not yet. But I am fixing to break out the shirts at least. 

Stretch marks? nope

Sleep? Starting to become harder to get comfortable at night. 

Best moment of this week? Being half way through! 

Things I miss? He's still on my sciatic nerve a lot

Movement? Yes. About 18 weeks I started feeling really strong kicks, especially when I lay down at night. Brian felt his first kick at the end of 18 weeks

Cravings? Still whole milk. I've been craving Krispy Kreme donuts and romas pizza but haven't had either yet. 

Showing yet?  Yes I feel like I've popped this last week

Gender? Boy! 💙

Labor signs? NO

Belly button in or out? In

Looking forward to? Deciding on a name and starting this nursery

I had my anatomy scan done at the hospital at 19w 3d. She confirmed it was a boy. Which I was really needing the confirmation. His heartbeat was 141. He measured a week further along. And his head measured 2 😳. He was sucking on his thumb and playing with his hands. So sweet. 

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