Saturday, December 31, 2016

22 weeks

How far along? 22 weeks 4 days

Total weight gain? 3-4 pounds

Maternity clothes? Some. Mostly just bigger shirts

Stretch marks? nope

Sleep? Pretty good

Best moment of this week? Last week I had a dr appt. heartbeat of 144. And he told me everything on my anatomy scan looked good

Things I miss? Not having heartburn. 

Movement? Yes almost constantly. Especially at my waistband 

Cravings? Sweets

Showing yet? Oh yes. Some of my patients have started noticing now. 

Gender? Boy! 💙 finally decided on Weston Hayes

Labor signs? NO

Belly button in or out? In. But making its way out

Looking forward to? Now that the holidays are over I can start the nursery

21 weeks

22 weeks

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