Saturday, November 8, 2014

first 3 months

I have been meaning to post for so long! Sadly I probably do not remember everything. Excuse the run-on paragraph, but this will take me several nap times lol.   

When we brought Kenton home we were like okay now what? What do you mean we are responsible for raising this boy?! After the initial shock set in luckily my motherly instincts kicked in. We didn't know the first thing about taking care of a baby. It has definitely been a learning process along the way. Including learning how to change a boy's diaper, lots of pee over everything. He even shot me with poop during a night time diaper change, gag!! (Brian just recently changed his first diaper at 11 weeks haha. I'm so proud) The first few weeks Kenton had his days and nights mixed up so bad. He would sleep all day and stay awake until one or two in the morning. One morning he didn't fall asleep until 4 or 5 a.m.! Talk about a tired momma. It took me a while to understand sleep when the baby sleeps. I felt like i needed to be doing other things around the house, but quickly learned they can wait. I started back to school when he was just 13 days old. I was so very sad to have to leave him this soon, but found comfort knowing he was in good hands with Gwen. Around this time he entered a fussy phase. When he was at home with me I could not put him down, not even to nap. So I spent my days holding him with one arm and trying to study and do homework with the other. I remember crying to Brian feeling like such a horrible mother, because I could not soothe my baby. And then I learned that if i bounced with him on the exercise ball he would instantly stop crying. Still to this day that is how I put him to sleep. Needless to say I will not introduce it to the next baby. Eventually I could decipher between his hungry and tired cry. This made my life a lot easier. I chose to breastfeed him, and still am. That is a whole feat in itself. But oh how I love the bonding it's allowed us to have, especially in the early days. At his 2 week appointment he was 9lbs 6oz and 21.5in long. I am blessed with an amazing mother and mother-in-law. Gina cooked for us the first couple of nights. After Brian went back to work and especially after I went back to school; they would come over and watch Kenton while I studied or even to just let me take a shower. I have come to appreciate a shower so much more. Well, when I have someone to watch him and I'm not hopping in and out in 2 minutes that is. At 6 weeks he was 11lbs 15oz and 22.5in long. He is definitely going to be tall like his parents'. About this time I had to drop out of school, because I was not passing one of my classes. I was so very sad about this!! Yet at the same time happy to be able to enjoy my baby and not have to feel guilty for playing with him instead of studying. I have been lucky enough to stay at home with him ever since and watch him grow. Brian is such a good provider for our family. During week 7 Brian went to Orlando to a FedEx competition, Super Tech. Boy that was very hard on me, hormones and all. Since Dad has been in the hospital since mid June my life stays busy taking care of things for him as well; even more so now that I have more free time. Kenton was 11 days old when he got to meet him for the first time. We try to make a weekly trip to visit gramps (Dad). We are praying and hoping he can somehow be home for Thanksgiving! Anyway! Kenton rolled over for the first time, front to back, on Oct 27th. He is definitely not one to miss anything. He loves to look around at all times, and currently loves to sit up like a big boy. Curtains and tv are 2 of his favorite things to stare at. He is very talkative and smiley, loving to smile at the sound of mommy's voice. He is definitely a momma's boy, as he always has me in his sight when I'm not holding him. Tummy time is not his favorite thing, at least for very long. Recently I introduced him to the bumbo seat, and he loves to sit in it one the bathroom counter and watch me get ready. He is not a fan of riding in his car seat, but does love the vibration of daddy's truck. Currently he sleeps with us, about a 5 hour stretch and then  2 or three hours, but I am ready to move him out. He wrinkles his nose just like his momma. He doesn't get out a full laugh very often, but lots of partial ones. And my favorite, before he cries he gets the biggest frown. It is soooo adorable, and I have yet to capture it. He has definitely turned our world upside down, but I love every minute of it.

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Birth story

I have been wanting and needing to do this forever and have just put it off.
So August 5th I chose to be induced, a day after my due date. Simply because I wanted my body to have a little time to heal before school, and to let Kenton get adjusted a little. After all he was only 13 days when I started back.

Of course not getting any sleep the night before, knowing life would never be the same. We arrived at the hospital at 5 a.m., got checked in and got all of the pre-registration done. They hooked me up to the monitor and I was already having contractions, but not feeling a thing. We waited for what seemed like forever for Dr. Causey to check me and get the show on the road. Finally at 7:45 he came and I was still at 2cm but 25% effaced with a soft cervix, and he inserted the cytotec. Then the waiting game began. Brian slept while I just anxiously watched TV. Mom came around 9 or 10 not able to stand staying at home any longer. Since I was open to getting an epidural I was placed on a clear liquid diet. No fun! So all day I got to have water, jello, and Popsicles. At noon Dr. Causey came back and stretched me to 4-5 cm but told me I had a chance of going back to 3cm. I was now 50% effaced and he broke my water (such a weird feeling). After that it got real, real fast. The contractions were no longer unnoticeable as I was feeling every one of them. It didn't take long for them to become very strong and I was sitting on the birthing ball hoping for a little relief. Mom was rubbing my back and keeping me hydrated. Then Brian took over and encouraged me. I decided I wanted an epidural and they told me it would take an hour or so to receive it. Holy cow I was not excited about that as my contractions were so strong. Around 2 or so I received the sweet relief. Although I was still feeling my contractions on part of my left side. So they turned me and eventually I wasn't feeling anything. That is some good stuff! At 3:15 I was checked again, being 8cm and 100% effaced with the baby being dropped more. Things were moving right along. And before I knew it at 4:30 I was 10 cm and ready to push. Gina arrived right before this. Having done clinicals in the OB department I already had an idea of how to push. Even though I had an epidural I could still feel the pressure of my contractions, and knew when to push. I pushed for a while with just my nurse, who was so amazing. And then Dr. Causey came. I pushed for a total of a little over 2 hours. I was so exhausted toward the end. Finally the Dr. told me I had 3 options I could push for another hour, use the vacuum, or cesarean. I chose the vacuum, knowing I couldn't push much longer. He explained I only had a couple of contractions to get the baby out or it would result in a cesarean. Knowing I was fixing to start back to school I was determined to get that baby out and avoid a cesarean at all costs. Of course fear washed over my face, as I didn't want anything to happen to my baby boy. Brian was very encouraging and reassuring. I had him pushed out in two contractions. I'm not usually the emotional type, but tears came rolling down my face when they put him on my chest. I was so relieved. He was so perfect and I have never loved anything so much. 8 pounds 12 oz and 19.5 inches long. We were officially a family and couldn't be happier.

Of course after a short time everyone left. Brian and I were like wait, now what. But we figured it out. I didn't hardly get any sleep. I was too worried I wouldn't wake up if something happened. Also being in pain. But oh my was everything worth it. I'm so in love with our little man, Kenton Blake.

                    Last pregnancy picture

Getting to go home

Friday, August 8, 2014

39 and 40 weeks

So this one is way late, but figured I would post it to look back on.

How far along? 39 & 40 weeks

Total weight gain? Somewhere around 40

Maternity clothes? Always

Stretch marks? Yes :(

Sleep? Barely

Best moment of this week? Anticipation of being induced Tuesday the 5th

Things I miss? Not being miserable 

Movement? Yes. So uncomfortable 

Cravings? Ice and fruit 

Showing yet? So big

Gender? Boy

Labor signs? 2cm dilated. A little cramping 

Belly button in or out? Flat but trying to stick out

Looking forward to? Meeting our little man!!

39 weeks
Progress on his dresser

Monday, July 28, 2014


How far along? 38 weeks

Total weight gain? Ha! Is all I have to say

Maternity clothes? Always

Stretch marks? Yes :(

Sleep? Does not come easy!

Best moment of this week? I was 2cm dilated but still a thick cervix. He did stretch me. 

Things I miss? Feeling like a normal person. 

Movement? He's all up in my ribs.

Cravings? Ice cream sandwich 

Showing yet? So big

Gender? Boy

Labor signs? 2cm dilated. A little cramping 

Belly button in or out? Flat but trying to stick out

Looking forward to? The real deal! My doctor told me I could be induced at any time. And of course he is going out of town Thursday through Sunday. So he will be back on my due date. So nervous he will miss it. 

Friday, July 18, 2014

36 & 37 weeks

How far along? 37 weeks

Total weight gain? Well I'm finding it way too easy these days

Maternity clothes? Always

Stretch marks? Starting on my stomach boo

Sleep? Blah. With this huge belly in the way, not very good.

Best moment of this week? Last week I got all of the decorations hung on the walls in the nursery and everything organized. I just got checked for the first time today. I'm 1 cm dilated but he said my cervix was still thick. Yay for a little progress.

Things I miss? I've had a cold/allergies the past two weeks. As if it wasn't already hard enough to breathe.

Movement? Yes, on my bladder and under my ribs. He's running out of room! Pretty sure he dropped some at the beginning of this week.

Cravings? Ice and sweets

Showing yet? Oh yes

Gender? Boy

Labor signs? 1cm dilated 

Belly button in or out? Flat but trying to stick out

Looking forward to? Going into labor!! So over being pregnant. Get this baby out!!! 

Brian goes to a training boot camp next week. I doubt anything will happen, but it makes me so nervous for him to be all the way in Dallas while I'm this far along.

                   36 weeks
37 weeks
The beginnings of the dresser for the nursery

Monday, July 7, 2014

35 weeks

Little late with this one

How far along? 35weeks

Total weight gain? I stay away from the scale now

Maternity clothes? Always

Stretch marks? Still just my sides. Yay

Sleep? So uncomfortable

Best moment of this week? I am finally done working at the Chateau! This week was the Fourth of July. I had my second baby shower. Also, Brian's cousin took some maternity photos.

Things I miss? Being able to bend over and get up with ease. 

Movement? Yes, on my bladder and under my ribs. He's running out of room! Pretty sure he dropped some at the beginning of this week.

Cravings? Ice and milk

Showing yet? So so big

Gender? Boy

Labor signs? Nope

Belly button in or out? Flat. Maybe trying to pop

Looking forward to? Finishing the nursery. I worked on organizing it today. My goal this next week is to have it all done. I do wish Brian would make the dresser.

Just have a few more things to buy from target and mommy will be all ready. I also made my list for my hospital bag today. It's getting so close! I'm so ready, and soooooo over being pregnant.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

33 & 34 weeks

How far along? 33 & 33 weeks

Total weight gain? Pretty much a pound a week. Sad day

Maternity clothes? Always

Stretch marks? On my sides. Really hoping I can make it to the end with none on my belly.

Sleep? Boo. Seriously wish I would have gotten a body pillow a long time ago.

Best moment of this week? Having my first baby shower! It was so fun. I got a ton of clothes and a few things from my registry. Also got a gift card that I ordered a glider with.

Things I miss? Sleep and not having heart burn everyday 

Movement? Oh yes

Cravings? Ice

Showing yet? As Brian says, I'm huge!

Gender? Boy

Labor signs? Not that I know of

Belly button in or out? Flat and starting to pop

Looking forward to? Being done with work next week, Fourth of July, and my last baby shower
33 weeks
Me and my sister at our joint baby shower
All of the presents in the nursery 
34weeks (looking rough after a long week of work)

Monday, June 16, 2014

32 weeks

Well Brian has been going into work at 2 so I don't see him at all unless I'm off. Therefore no new pics lately

How far along? 32 weeks

Total weight gain? Blah

Maternity clothes? Yes

Stretch marks? Just on my sides

Sleep? So very hard to come by

Best moment of this week? Went to the doctor this week. Everything is still looking good and measuring correctly

Things I miss? Sleep! Being able to bend over with ease. Not having swollen ankles

Movement? All the time. His kicks are starting to become uncomfortable

Cravings? Ice and milk

Showing yet? Finally my tables have started asking when I'm due. It's about time

Gender? Boy

Labor signs? No. But apparently I've entered into the ligament pain phase

Belly button in or out? Pretty much flat

Looking forward to? My shower with the sister next weekend. Can't believe it's already here practically.

Monday, June 2, 2014

30 weeks

How far along? 30 weeks 

Total weight gain? Too much! 

Maternity clothes? Yes

Stretch marks? Still just on my sides

Sleep? Omg it's so hard to get comfortable. Plus Brian seems to think he needs to sleep on my side of the bed as well 

Best moment of this week? Started organizing the nursery. Had a dr appointment this week. All is going good and he is already head down (hopefully he stays that way). And now I start 2 week appointments! I passed my glucose test! Yay!! I was so worried. Also got my tho gam shot for my negative type blood, and a tdap shot (my shoulder has never been so sore!).

Things I miss? Being able to sleep

Movement? Pretty much constant 

Cravings? Sweets, fruit, string cheese

Showing yet? It's definitely obvious to everyone now

Gender? Boy

Labor signs? No

Belly button in or out? In/flat

Looking forward to? Getting the nursery done

Baby shower invites I made
They got an owl stamp on the envelopes 
Diaper cake I made for the first shower for Kasey and I. I'm going to top it with a pink and a blue shoe
Diaper cakes I made for the second shower on July 4th weekend
Finally found a diaper bag!!!! I stumbled upon it at Shelby's. And it was on sale

Absolutely love this pic of us. Think it turned out so well

Thursday, May 15, 2014

27 & 28 weeks

How far along? 27 & 28 weeks 

Total weight gain? Trying to do better eating wise. But my appetite has grown the past week.

Maternity clothes? Yes

Stretch marks? On my sides :(

Sleep? Eh it's ok

Best moment of this week? Registering and starting the third trimester. Also being out of school for the summer!

Things I miss? Not having sciatic nerve pain

Movement? Very active 

Cravings? Sweets, bananas, carrots

Showing yet? Definitely 

Gender? Boy

Labor signs? No

Belly button in or out? The top half is flat

Looking forward to? Baby shower planning
28 weeks
Registering with the sister
Sorting Kenton's clothes into sizes. I may need a few more newborn things, I only have like 3 pieces lol

Thursday, May 1, 2014

26 weeks

How far along? 26 weeks 

Total weight gain? Pretty sure I did a lot better this month. But I'll find out at my Dr. appointment tomorrow. 

Maternity clothes? Yes. They are a must

Stretch marks? I noticed last night I have 1 developing on each side. Seriously a sad day.

Sleep? Decent. Little hard to get comfortable

Best moment of this week? I ordered my crib bedding from a shop on etsy. Hoping I love it. It's supposed to take 4 to 6 weeks to come in though :/

Things I miss? Not being bloated after eating and having a major stomach ache 

Movement? Constantly this week. Love it.

Cravings? Not really this week. Trying to eat healthier

Showing yet? Yes

Gender? Boy

Labor signs? No

Belly button in or out? Not quite flat yet

Looking forward to? I'm just ready for him to be here already.

I haven't been feeling good the past 2 days, hence the extra pale face.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

25 weeks

How far along? 25 weeks 

Total weight gain? We'll see at my next Dr. appointment next Friday. Avoiding the scale for now.

Maternity clothes? Yes, pretty much everything maternity now.

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep? Good. I've been so busy that I'm just so exhausted at night.

Best moment of this week? Finally finding crib bedding I like. 

Things I miss? Not getting out of breath so easy, and I know it's only going to get worse.

Movement? A little less this week. But he's definitely still kicking around.

Cravings? Sweets

Showing yet? Yes

Gender? Boy

Labor signs? No

Belly button in or out? Stretching. Brian's favorite, he told me I had another week or two before it was flat. Give me a break lol.

Looking forward to? Starting to register in the next few weeks.

What I go through every week. Brian takes 100 pictures. If I'm lucky one turns out decent.

Friday, April 18, 2014

24 weeks

How far along? 24 weeks 

Total weight gain? Kenton must be a big one already. Lol I wish that was the reason.

Maternity clothes? Yes. Feeling large

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep? Not as good this week, but Brian was gone so that didn't help

Best moment of this week? I had the first stranger ask me when I was due! It's about time!

Things I miss? Not feeling fat

Movement? All the time :)

Cravings? The things I smell in the restaurant 

Showing yet? Yes

Gender? Boy

Labor signs? No

Belly button in or out? Stretching 

Looking forward to? Summer break so I can concentrate on all things baby.

What a gross picture. But whatever it works.

Thursday, April 10, 2014

23 weeks

How far along? 23 weeks 

Total weight gain? All I have to say is I started my pregnancy workout video tonight.

Maternity clothes? Yes. Started wearing shirts and pants this week. But can still fit into some of my jeans with a ponytail holder holding them together. 

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep? Great this week

Best moment of this week? We got the crib in and put together last weekend. I really like it!

Things I miss? Not feeling fat

Movement? I feel like almost non-stop this week

Cravings? Sweets. Omg this has to stop.

Showing yet? I think I actually look pregnant now and not just fat

Gender? Boy

Labor signs? No

Belly button in or out? Stretching 

Looking forward to? Starting to create a baby registry soon, even though it seems a little overwhelming.